Understanding Docker Volumes: A Simple Hands-on Guide


Docker volumes play a crucial role in managing data persistence and sharing between containers in Docker. They provide a convenient way to store and access data, ensuring that valuable information remains intact even if containers are stopped, started, or replaced. In this blog post, we will explore Docker volumes in-depth and walk through a simple hands-on example to help you grasp the concept and get started with using volumes effectively.

What are Docker Volumes?

Docker volumes are special directories or named entities that exist outside the container's file system. They serve as a dedicated space for storing and sharing data between containers or between a container and the host system. With volumes, you can separate data from containers, allowing for easier management, data persistence, and seamless collaboration between containers.

When you run applications inside Docker containers, you might want to store and access data. Docker volumes provide a way to do that.

Think of a Docker volume as a special folder that exists outside the container. It's like a shared storage space that multiple containers can use to store and retrieve data.

Using Docker volumes has a few advantages:

Data Persistence: Volumes allow data to persist even if containers are stopped or deleted. So you don't lose important information when containers are recreated or updated.

Sharing Data: Volumes enable multiple containers to share the same data. This is useful when you have different containers that need access to the same files or information.

Separation from Containers: Volumes are separate from the containers themselves. This means you can update or replace containers without affecting the data stored in volumes.

Creating and using a volume is like creating a special folder on your computer. You can give it a name and then associate it with one or more containers. Containers can read from and write to this volume, just like accessing files on their filesystem.

For example, imagine you have a web application running in a Docker container. You can create a volume to store the application's data, such as user uploads or configuration files. This volume can be linked to the container, allowing the application to read and write data in that volume. If you update or replace the container, the data in the volume remains intact.

Hands-on Example:

Storing Application Data with Docker Volumes Let's dive into a practical hands-on example that demonstrates the usage of Docker volumes for storing application data.

Step 1: Create a Docker Volume Open your terminal or command prompt and create a Docker volume using the following command:

docker volume create myvolume

This command creates a named volume called "myvolume." You can choose any name you prefer.

Step 2: Run a Container with the Volume Next, let's run a Docker container and attach the volume we created. Execute the following command:

docker run -d -v myvolume:/data --name mycontainer nginx

Here, we run an Nginx container and link it to the "myvolume" volume. The volume is mounted to the "/data" directory inside the container. Additionally, we name the container "mycontainer."

Step 3: Verify the Volume To ensure the volume is successfully created and attached to the container, inspect it using the following command:

docker volume inspect myvolume

This command provides detailed information about the volume, including its mountpoint.

Step 4: Access the Volume To access the volume from within the container, we'll execute a command inside the container's shell. Use the following command:

docker exec -it mycontainer /bin/bash

This command enters the container's shell. Once inside, navigate to the "/data" directory:

cd /data

Now, you have access to the volume and can perform operations like creating files or directories.

Step 5: Test Data Persistence Let's test the data persistence of the volume. Create a file inside the container's "/data" directory using the following command:

echo "Hello, Docker Volume!" > test.txt

Exit the container's shell by typing exit.

Step 6: Inspect the Volume on the Host To verify data persistence, inspect the volume on the host machine. Run the command:

docker inspect myvolume

Look for the "Mountpoint" field in the output, which indicates the location on the host where the volume is stored. You should find the "test.txt" file inside that directory.


Docker volumes provide a powerful mechanism for managing data persistence and sharing in Docker containers. By separating data from containers and leveraging volumes, you can ensure the integrity and availability of your application's data. In this blog post, we explored the concept of Docker volumes and walked through a simple hands-on example, enabling you to create and use volumes effectively in your Dockerized applications.

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